Beautifully preserved and fragrant Port Orford cedar branches.
8oz or 16oz bunch (16oz pictured)
16-28" tall
100% Real Cedar
100% Water-Less
Long-Lasting (lasts the season and beyond!)
Preserved + Dyed
Additional Details:
• Product of Mother Nature. Each stem will vary in shape, size, color, scent, and volume, and will have both natural and preservation blemishes. Approximations provided.
• Intended for indoor use. May be used outdoor for short-term purposes, such as for events and weddings.
• To maximize longevity, minimize exposure to high humidity, direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, water, and excessive handling.
• Typically has a scent. However, presence of, extent of, and/or lack of scent is not guaranteed.
• Not intended for use in water, as it will cause the dye to run and reduce product integrity.